Friday, March 4, 2011

A Walk Down Embassy Row

As part of my peace and conflict resolution program we are going to be traveling to Cyprus, Greece, and Turkey to look at the Cyprus conflict. So, this past week we have been visiting the embassies of Cyprus, Greece, and Turkey.

On Wednesday we visited the Cyprus Embassy and met with the Ambassador of Cyprus. What was so wonderful about this was as students we were able to meet with the actual Ambassador of Cyprus not one of his assistant. Now I cannot really go into detail about what was talked about during our meeting but it was very interesting. The Ambassador made the meeting very personal.

On Thursday we visited the Greek Embassy and met with a member of the Council to the Greek Ambassadors. The Greek Embassy was very beautiful. The council member was very informative. The meeting with the Greek Council member was much more formal I felt then the meeting with the Cyprus Ambassador. This conversation even though was formal was also off the record.

This Friday we visited the Turkish Embassy and meet with a Political Councilor to the Turkish Ambassador. Let me say the Turkish Embassy is fantastically beautiful. The art and light figures (as odd as that sounds) are beautiful. The meeting we had with the political councilor was very interesting it was an academic meeting of discussion. The individuals who we spoke with gave us there honest opinion on issues. Now again this was all off the record and a personal conversation meaning I cannot repeat any of it, but it was an awesome conversation to have. It is so interesting to hear the real opinions of people on the issues we are studying not one handed out by the government or officials.

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