Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Today one of my mates presented on the Mennonite approach to peace. I really do not know a lot about the Mennonite faith so it was very interesting to learn more. There are similarities I believe in the Quaker faith. What was even better was we had a speaker come in who is a practicing Mennonite and certified mediator. He practices mediation and also serves as a mediator of issues within the congregation.

The approach of the Mennonites, from what understood, was a large support of nonviolence. They do not agree with military service because they preach nonviolence. Many did not serve in World War I and were imprisoned for it. When World War II and the Vietnam War came around the United States had implemented other options when drafter than military service. This other option than military service led many Mennonites to be working in metal institutions. The work which the Mennonites did in the mental institutions led to a push from the Mennonite community for reforms to be made to metal institutions. I found this very impressive since the conditions of the mental institutions were so deplorable at the time.

In the Mennonite faith there is such a large idea of passivism; which is one of the main pillars of the Mennonite faith. But there are many different denominations of Mennonites in the United States 28 to be exact and not all of them follow the idea of passivism in addressing the issues within their congregation. For instance the individual who spoke with us, his congregation follows a more aggressive track part of passive aggressive. His congregation addresses issues right out in the open rather than talking about it secretly and letting an issue fester. I think this may be a better choice.

For our speaker I got the sense that there is this ability to really follow your faith and your belief even if it is not the norm of society. I just always find faith so fascinating because people who have a faith are so devoted to what they believe most of the time and do not question it. I always find it so impressive to believe in something so much.

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