Friday, April 8, 2011

Cyprus- finally (only one)

In Cyprus we met with many different individuals from many different fields of work. We have met with many high ranking officials and political leaders of Cyprus as well as leaders of Nongovernmental organizations or leaders of political parties. This wide range of individuals has something in common at ever meeting we were served orange juice! This was something so funny to me since at most places back in the States you would get coffee, tea, or water not orange juice. Also these were not all morning meetings they were throughout the day and without fail there would be orange juice for us to drink. It turns out Cyprus is famous for the oranges which are grown on the island and the orange juice they produce from these oranges. Let me tell you this is some of the best orange juice I have ever had:)

As wonderful as this orange juice that is not all I have to say about the meetings we had with people, NGOs, and other organizations in Cyprus, but sadly all our meetings are confidential and we are not allowed to talk about them. I can say that having confidential conversations are the best kind because most of the time you get real answers. It becomes an academic discussion setting rather than a lecture or the dance of evading questions. Now you may be saying but what use is that, you only getting real answers? For me personally that is enough because when I ask a question and they give me a personal opinion which goes along with something I believe then I know they are probably fighting for the same thing I would like to see happen; so then maybe one day their wants, because they are in such a high position, could become a reality. The worst though is when a speak states at the beginning of a meeting that it is confidential but then does not give you any personal opinions or anything that is not already public knowledge. With those conversations you just have to move on and focus on the good interviews you get.

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