Thursday, February 24, 2011

Time Management :-/

This is going to sound very cliché but time management is really important. I am noticing this as I have been studying down in Washington D.C. I suppose I always knew I was a procrastinator but since I am now in the city there are so many more things you can do to get distracted from work. Going to college in a city I feel is a Catch 22. There are so many talks, exhibits, and events I would like to attend but I have to make the choice of going to talks and events or doing the work for my seminar. Now, I am not going to tell you that my choices have always been to do my work, as I said I am a procrastinator, but there are times when I need to buckle down and do work (which will be happening this weekend). I suppose that is a version of time management just maybe not the best one.

I think the key is finding a balance, because coming to study at the Washington Semester gives you the opportunity to meet people from all over the United States and the globe and be exposed to a totally different environment. So, of course you want to go out and socialize, which I think you should do because if you do not, your semester will not be a full experience! There has to be a health balance of both socializing and getting your school work done.

Now this may seem like freshman year 101 of leaning time management skills but for me coming from a rural school in upstate New York being in a city allows for lots more distractions and reason to not do my work. Something I really suggest is either bring a planner or if that does not work for you (like me) having a notebook which is dedicated purely to your “to do” list so that you stay organized and know what you need to get done!

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