Tuesday, February 15, 2011


After being sent our schedule for this week from my professor I was quite excited to learn that Bob Schieffer, a CBS anchor is coming to speak to us. I started to look back on some of the people I have met so far in my seminar and am very impressed by how many prominent figures I have met. We have met journalist, CEO of nongovernment organizations, authors, genocide survivors, executive directors, conflict analysis, and mediators. Then to add on top of it our professor was telling us about who we would be meeting while aboard are UN representatives, EU representatives, presidents and prime ministers, and ambassadors.

These individuals have solved wars between countries, started the breakdown of stereotypes after war, met Mother Theresa, started NGO to better the world, find information for everyone to use, and told the story of those who could not be heard.

To meet such prominent members in your field and be able to question them and learn from their experience is such a fantastic opportunity! I have learned so much more about what I want to do after college so that I can go into the field that I wish to go into from our speakers.

What is also so amazing is how open the speakers are to your questions and asking for their business cards. With every speaker you should always send a thank you email to let them know how you enjoyed what they talked about because then you can continue a conversation with them and it allows you to network with the people of the field you are looking at getting into. As bad as it may sound sometimes it is about who you know, and with this program you are meeting a lot of people in high positions and making a personal connection with them.

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