Tuesday, January 25, 2011

New Definitions

“Peace is putting things were they belong.”

This was said to my Peace & Conflict Resolution class by Dr. Abdul Aziz Said last week. It was a very interesting way to define what peace is. Dr. Said was speaking to my class about peace building and nonviolence. Two things Dr. Said told us really struck me. The first was it is “humans’ ecological function to love.” The second was “you have to be willing to lose your life to protect your dignity” that is what nonviolence is.

With the first statement he made he was refereeing to everything on earth has an ecological function; trees product oxygen, bees pollinate trees, and it is humans function to love. If humans embrace their function there would be peace and not war. Humans’ purpose on this planet is to love. I had honestly never thought of the human purpose on earth being love. When you think of humans function on this earth you think to populate, make money, advance technology, to live but love is never normally said.

With his second explanation it really made me think, what am I willing to lose my life for? What is my dignity? Dignity by definition is to be worthy of respect. But isn’t your dignity made up of so much more? I think that dignity is made up of your views, experiences, values, and morals; and those factors in turn make up your dignity which gains respect from others. To be so passionate about your values that you are willing to die for them and are ok with dying for them is incredible to me.

With all three of these words I have never heard anyone explain them in this particular way. I feel that is why it was so interesting and an intriguing conversation with him. To see the way others minds see things and how their mental maps are designed is always a fascinating matter. Because something you always must remember is that every person has a different mental map with a different definition of this because if the experience they have had.

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